Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What’s The Difference Between DUI And DWI In Maryland?
Many Maryland residents mistakenly believe that DWI and DUI are the same thing. In reality, the two terms refer to completely different crimes and can result in very different punishments. In this article, the Bel Air, MD DUI attorneys at Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered will discuss the key differences between DUI and DWI. What… Read More »

Who Pays The Legal Fees In A Maryland Divorce?
Generally speaking, each party is responsible for paying their own legal fees in a Maryland divorce. In some cases, however, one spouse may be ordered to pay the other spouse’s legal fees by the judge. In this article, the Bel Air MD family law attorneys will unpack this question and discuss when a spouse… Read More »

What Is A Prenuptial Agreement In Maryland?
A prenuptial agreement, known colloquially as a prenup, is a legally binding contract established between two people before their marriage. In the State of Maryland, a prenuptial agreement provides both parties with protection and safeguards their rights should they decide to end their marriage. A prenuptial agreement will spell out how assets, debts, and… Read More »

Bel Air, Maryland Music Teacher Arrested On Child Pornography Charges
Maryland State Police have arrested a 27-year-old Bel Air man and charged him with 11 counts related to the possession and distribution of child pornography. Earlier this year, detectives with the Harford County Child Advocacy Center received a tip regarding suspicious internet activity. Specifically, the tip centered around the downloading of multiple sexually explicit… Read More »

Will A Foreign Divorce Be Recognized By The State Of Maryland?
Did you obtain a divorce in a foreign country and now, you’re wondering if it will be recognized in the State of Maryland? The answer is generally yes, the divorce will be recognized in the United States, so long as the divorce was obtained in a court that had the authority to grant a… Read More »

How Can I Get An Annulment In The State Of Maryland?
Divorce is when you say your marriage is over. Annulment is when you say your divorce never existed at all. The rules for granting an annulment are considerably different from the rules for getting a divorce. It’s commonly believed that a spouse may obtain an annulment if the marriage lasted for less than six… Read More »

Former Maryland High School Worker Convicted Of Sex Crime Against Student
A former Safety and Security Assistant at a Maryland high school was recently convicted of a sex crime against a minor student who attended the school. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life under Maryland’s rules regarding sex offenses. The 22-year-old defendant was convicted of sexual… Read More »

Can I Modify A Child Custody Agreement In Maryland?
Your child custody arrangement may have made perfect sense when you originally drafted it. But circumstances changed and now you need to discuss changing the custody agreement to meet your current needs. You may have gotten a new job, been forced to move, or otherwise, the agreement no longer makes sense for your situation…. Read More »

How Can I Prove Parental Alienation In Maryland?
Parental alienation is a term used to describe a situation in which one parent turns the child against the other parent, causing the child to reject that parent. Child custody matters can be contentious and divorces can be bitter, but the courts have no respect for parents who attempt to alienate children from their… Read More »

Contempt Of Court In A Maryland Family Law Case
Contempt of court is a legal mechanism by which the court enforces court orders. It plays a crucial role in family law cases. Individuals can be held in contempt of court for a large number of reasons during a family law case. You can be held in contempt of court for failing to obey… Read More »