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Category Archives: Criminal Defense


What Happens If A Family Member Shoplifts?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Even though shoplifting is often considered a “lesser offense,” when compared to other crimes, it still comes with its own set of penalties and charges. By being aware of these penalties, as well as what constitutes shoplifting, it’s easier to understand what might happen to a family member who shoplifts. What Is Shoplifting?  Shoplifting… Read More »

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How Can You Obtain A Peace Order Against A Family Member?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

A peace order is similar to a protective order, but a little different. For those who are in need of protection, but not eligible for a protective order, a peace order is worth considering.  What Is A Peace Order?  A peace order is defined as the following: a court order that requires one particular… Read More »

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What Happens When You Violate Your Probation?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

A probation violation is a very serious matter that can lead to revocation of probation, jail, and even prison. By being aware of why this is the case, and what goes into the process, it’s easier to prevent the legal consequences of a probation violation.  What Is a Probation Violation?  A probation violation is… Read More »

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What Is The Maryland Difference Between Adult & Child Kidnapping?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Within the topic of violent crimes under Maryland law, kidnapping might not be the first offense that comes to mind. But as this offense usually involves forceful removal or detention, it is technically a violent crime. Furthermore, Maryland law has separate provisions to address kidnapping of both adult and child victims. What is the… Read More »

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DUI/DWI Vs. Reckless/Aggressive Driving In Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

In addition to criminal offenses like driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while impaired (DWI), the Maryland Code of Transportation prohibits many other types of traffic offenses. Within this realm, reckless and aggressive driving are violations with severe criminal consequences, much like DUI/DWI. DUI/DWI Laws & Penalties in Maryland The state laws against… Read More »

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Is It A Maryland Gun Crime To Allow Kids Access To Firearms?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Under Maryland state law, it is usually a gun crime to allow a child to access a firearm. The reason is simple, children die each year while handling firearms without supervision. Accordingly, Maryland makes it a criminal offense to allow children to access loaded firearms without appropriate supervision. What are the Laws Against Allowing… Read More »

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What is the Maryland Difference Between Rape in the First & Second Degrees?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

The State of Maryland prohibits a wide range of violent crimes, including rape in the first and second degrees. Given the severity of these sex crimes, the applicable criminal penalties are correspondingly harsh. Based on the circumstances of the offense, a rape offender can face life in prison in Maryland. What are the Maryland… Read More »

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Surveying 3 Versions of Domestic Violence in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

In the State of Maryland, domestic violence involves abuse at the hands of a family or household member. Typically, this means that the perpetrator and victim are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Though roommates, romantic partners, and other close associations also qualify for domestic violence protection in Maryland. In addition to widely recognized… Read More »

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Comparing Various Robbery & Carjacking Crimes in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Maryland law criminalizes various offenses against the person, including multiple versions of robbery and carjacking. These theft crimes involve the use or threat of force. Though depending on the circumstances of the offense, the Maryland punishment generally increases or decreases accordingly. Before discussing the penalties for robbery or carjacking, it will be helpful to… Read More »

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What is the Difference Between Aggressive, Negligent & Reckless Driving?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

The Maryland Code of Transportation establishes statewide rules of the road and defines numerous types of traffic offenses. In addition to criminal offenses such as DUI, it is also illegal in Maryland to commit aggressive, negligent, or reckless driving. To discern the subtle differences between these traffic offenses, the following sections will examine several… Read More »

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