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Category Archives: Criminal Defense


Illegal Drug Possession Crimes Under Maryland Law

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Often referred to legally as controlled substances, illegal drugs can be extremely addictive and dangerous. To protect the public from this risk, Maryland enacted strict laws against and penalties for the possession of illegal drugs and other controlled substances. If a person possesses a controlled substance without valid authorization, they can face criminal fines… Read More »

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What are the Rules in Maryland Concerning Assisted Suicide?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Often referred to euthanasia, assisted suicide is the act of helping another person intentionally take their own life. This is a controversial topic, especially for the elderly and people suffering from intractable pain. It might seem humane to help that person end their misery. The problem is that death is final. There is no… Read More »

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How Does Maryland Address Reckless, Negligent & Aggressive Driving?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Across all state roadways in Maryland, it is unlawful to engage in reckless, negligent or aggressive driving. These offenses and similar traffic violations represent a serious danger of personal injury and property damage. To safeguard drivers from this type of behavior on state roads, Maryland employs strict laws and criminal penalties for reckless, negligent… Read More »

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How Does Maryland Address Murder Crimes?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Murder is a violent crime with irreversible consequences. When a murderer takes the life of a victim, there is no way to undo the damage. The victim’s family members cannot bring their loved one back from the dead. As a result, Maryland imposes serious consequences for actual or attempted murder in the first and… Read More »

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Temporary Protective Orders in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

When an abuser commits domestic violence or other forms of abuse in Maryland, the courts can intervene on behalf of the victim. In order to protect the victim and halt further abuse, the Maryland courts can even issue a temporary protective order before a final hearing occurs. Purpose of a Temporary Protective Order Maryland… Read More »

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Drunk and Impaired Driving Laws in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

In order to safeguard public roadways within the state, it is illegal in Maryland to drive under the influence (DUI) of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances. To regulate this type of dangerous behavior, Maryland has strict laws and penalties for intoxicated or impaired driving. Given the gravity of the potential consequences, drivers should understand… Read More »

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What Happens if a Maryland Driver Refuses a Sobriety Test?

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

When Maryland law enforcement officers stop a suspected drunk driver, they will request permission to conduct a breath test to determine blood alcohol concentration. Contrary to popular belief, the driver is not required to submit to this sobriety test; but, if the driver refuses to submit to the test there are immediate and long-term… Read More »

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7 Key Definitions for Domestic Violence Cases in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Domestic violence laws make it unlawful to abuse or commit other violent acts against family members. Sometimes referred to legally as domestic abuse, this offense combines certain facets of criminal and family law. To help get a firm grasp on domestic violence laws in Maryland, the following sections will define seven key terms. Abuse… Read More »

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Regulated Firearm Laws in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

Today’s blog entry will explore the boundaries of regulated firearm laws in Maryland. The first section will define the term regulated firearm. What is the Definition of a Regulated Firearm in Maryland? Under Maryland Public Safety Code section 5–101, the term regulated firearm includes: Handguns; and Assault Weapons. Concerning assault weapons, specifically, Section 5-101… Read More »

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Examining Assault Crimes in Maryland

By Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered |

This blog entry will provide an overview of three different kinds of assaults crimes under Maryland law: misdemeanor in the second degree, felony in the second degree and felony in the first degree. Second-Degree Misdemeanor Assault The definition of the crime of assault appears in Maryland Criminal Code Section 3-201. Maryland employs a broad… Read More »

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